Meet our Board of Advisors
Meet our Board of Advisors
Reverend Doyle Montgomery is a native of Detroit, Michigan. Prior to his recent relocation to Second Baptist Church of Ann Arbor he served as a Deacon and then a Minister for over 30 years at the New Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Detroit.
During his years in Detroit, he served in the Bus Ministry, Nursing Home Visitation Ministry, Prayer Service Leader, Bible Study Teacher and counselor to young men recovering from drug-addictions. As an Associate Minister at Second Baptist Church he serves as a Trustee and is active in the Forgotten Man Prison Ministry at the Washtenaw County Jail.
He is the husband of Reverend Marsha Montgomery, the father of 4 adult children (and their spouses) and grand-father of six. He is known by his family and the community for his stead-fast love of God, his deep desire for evangelism, his servant's heart and most of all his giving spirit.
Reverend Marsha Montgomery is an Associate Minister of the Second Baptist Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan under the pastorate of Reverend Mark J. Lyons.
A Member of New Mt Sinai Baptist Church of Detroit for more than 30 years, Reverend Montgomery has served within the local church and the surrounding communities in several ministries:
- Bible Study Teacher
- Women's Conference Speaker
- Sunday School Teacher
- Minister of Music
Currently as a part of the ministerial staff of the Second Baptist Church of Ann Arbor, Reverend Montgomery is a certified teacher at Second Baptist Church and is an integral part of the Sunday School Ministry and the Women’s Fellowship Council.
Over the years, God has provided Reverend Montgomery and her husband, Reverend Doyle Montgomery, with many opportunities to share their testimony of the life-changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She and her husband share their testimony with men and women of all walks of life and the miracle of God’s deliverance and restoration through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. They believe and teach that regardless of a person's background or past mistakes, God desires to see them delivered, set free and made whole.
Reverend Montgomery is a registered nurse by profession and holds a Bachelors Degree in Nursing, and a Master of Business Administration Degree in Strategic Management. A native of Detroit Michigan, she and her husband have been married for over 42 years and are the parents of four adult children (and their spouses) and six grandchildren.
Personal Profession:
“To present my body a living sacrifice to God, in a holy and acceptable manner, which is just my reasonable service. But most of all, to not be conformed to this world, but to submit myself to God to be transformed by the renewing of my mind that I may be living proof of the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Elva Rosenthal has four years of college education with her Major in Elementary Education Business Administrations. She has over 50 years of administrative and secretarial work experience, which includes executive support to a United States Congressman, and three State Directors for the State of Michigan.
Elva has four children, four grandchildren and one great grand child. Her hobbies include bowling and watching Family Feud and the Price is Right.
Clear Vision,